Tag: education
EDUCATION: IT Project Managment @ IT-Högskolan 2023-2024
Higher Vocational Education program tailored to equip students with extensive skills in IT project management. It encompasses a thorough exploration of agile methods, the waterfall model, and Scrum framework. The curriculum places a significant emphasis on concurrent project management, fostering team development, and cultivating a deep understanding of the IT industry. In the final phase…
EDUCATION: Project Management @ IHM Business School 2020
Course focused on team building, understanding project and business value, creating a business case, identifying stakeholders and the external environment, defining the project scope and considering the buyer and decision-making criteria. It entailed a planning process including time and resource management, effective communication, and risk assessment including simulations of project execution. Also it taught articulating…
Project Manager HDK-Valand, University Of Gothenburg 2017-2020
Developing processes for educational planning, implementing system for digitizing work samples and streamlining facility utilization. More about the work samples project here.
Course Developer, Teacher @ Valand Academy, University Of Gothenburg 2018-2019
Development and teaching of elective course with focus on sound in artistic practices. Including an exhibition in collaboration with The Gothenburg Museum of Art. New item in ADA Sweden
TENDERING PROJECT: Digitalization of work samples and selection process for art education
At the Artistic Faculty at the University of Gothenburg we initiated a tendering project aimed at modernizing the application process and handling of work samples, selection, and jury proceedings. The admission procedures at the Valand Academy faced significant administrative burdens, hindering accessibility for international jury members and lacking transparency. To address these issues, a proposal…
Technical Coordinator (Acting Technical Director) @ Valand Academy, University Of Gothenburg 2014-2017
Responsible for planning, coordination, development, procurement, and budgeting for technical resources and facilities. Supervision and coaching of the institution’s technicians. Member of the institution’s leadership group.