At the Artistic Faculty at the University of Gothenburg we initiated a tendering project aimed at modernizing the application process and handling of work samples, selection, and jury proceedings.
The admission procedures at the Valand Academy faced significant administrative burdens, hindering accessibility for international jury members and lacking transparency. To address these issues, a proposal was made to digitalize the process and implement a system accommodating the needs for a diverse set of programs and application processes.

The most significant challenge we faced revolved around the impending implementation of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), causing hesitancy in adopting new systems. Adjustments were necessary in the tendering process, with a considerable emphasis placed on risk analysis regarding data protection and safeguarding applicant information. An early concern was ensuring the safety of applicants given the potentially sensitive and controversial nature of submitted applications and work samples.
Despite the challenges, the project successfully met all requirements and ensured compliance with GDPR. The implemented solution from Slideroom continues to be utilized by the Artistic Faculty today (2024).
Lessons learned
- Bouncing ideas and brainstorming “creative solutions” with a legal department takes stamina and a laser sharp focus.
- As one of the first tasks in a new project take inventory of relevant regulations and policys.
- Listen carefully to your more risk focused team members but don’t let them have solo meetings with the legal department.